Articles on: Explore AliHunter Features

Overview of the Sales tracking report

AliHunter helps you analyze your competitors by keeping you up-to-date with a comprehensive report sent on a daily basis during tracking time. In the daily report, there are a few things you need to care about:

1. Sales Trend:

Revenue Trend

Order Trend

Sales Trend will show you the Revenue / Order Trend chart by hours in a day. It's a helpful way to help you spot the best times of the day when your products sell best.
By reviewing the Sales Trend, you can find patterns and based on that, strategize what you should do on specific time frames. Once you come up with a marketing plan, execute it to bring the most benefits for your business.
On the other hand, If you are tracking other stores, this graph shows a detailed and comprehensive story of how the competitors are doing. You can determine if a store is worth your time tracking just by a quick glance at the chart.

2. Orders Statistic:

This gives you the details of the store sales during the time, including the item price, total orders, revenue the store has gained from this product and the option to View Sales Trend or Get Market Insight for that product

Order Statistics

View Sales trend

3. Sales Summary:

Sales Summary
These are simple metrics that tell you the whole story of how the business is doing. It all comes down to Revenue at the end of the day. Reviewing these numbers can help you decide if you can follow the footsteps of specific stores since they are doing very well.

_Note:_ With the stores are tracked one more time, you can review the old reports by clicking to select the tracking time:

If you have any further questions, we are always ready to help via the in-app chat or email at

Updated on: 18/05/2023

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