Articles on: Explore AliHunter Features

How does Ali Hunter work on AliExpress?

When searching a product on Aliexpress, Ali Hunter could provide you with summary information of products, supplier's performance with good and bad feedback, refer to honest reviews and photos and other stores are selling this products,

After you install the Ali hunter extension on Chrome Web Store, the first thing you can see when entering AliExpress is the highlight bar in the upper part of the screen to discover Today Trending Products and Weekly Trending Products:

But Alihunter is not only that, when you click on a specific product, here are some information you can check with our tool:

1. Analystics:

It will display right under the Product main, contain Sales Statistics and Price History:

Sales Volume:
Check the sales volume in the past, which helps you indicate whether it is the potential product for sale.

You can determine if a product is trending or it has many orders just because it was popular in the past. The Sales graph shows numbers for each day or the change in sales from this week compared to the previous week.
Price history:
It helps you have a sound vision about the changing price if you want to make a discount event and special offers. It also enables you to find suppliers that offer consistent rates and shows you the actual discount against fakes.

2. Insights:

This function helps you take a look at the insight information including shipping method, reviews without going directly to the reviews section. To build more trust and worth for your products to your customers, you can download and edit the image then upload it to your store:

3. Supplier:

We will furnish you with pertinent information to aid in your decision-making process regarding the selection of that particular provider.

Seller Rating: The trustworthiness of that supplier based on customer reviews;
Positive feedback: This section shows you the reviews of that supplier so you can decide to get it or not;
Followers: The ranking of the popularization of that supplier on AliExpress.
Best Selling Products: The ‘Top 15 Weekly Bestselling products’ of the supplier will be displayed, and those goods might fit your business.

To know more about choosing the right supplier, check out this article for a few more tips.

By the way, you can also consult more suppliers who sell the same or similar products. The data table will help you compare other suppliers by putting them in the same parameters: Price, Orders, and Shipping Cost.

4. Store selling:

In addition, this feature provides valuable insights into the product's market performance by enabling you to assess the number of competitors offering the same product and evaluate its sales trends:

5. Market Research:

With this section, you can look for trending TikTok videos and top hashtags for specific markets to see what is going on in the world, what products are getting attention and also, studying your competitors.

This section provides an extensive overview of Products (Similar Suppliers listed in section 3) and Store (Store Selling options presented in section 4), offering detailed information and a comprehensive comparison to assist in making informed purchasing decisions.

If you have any further questions, we are always ready to help via the in-app chat or email at

Updated on: 18/05/2023

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