Articles on: Explore AliHunter Features

How does Ali Hunter extension work on Shopify Stores?

The Ali Hunter extension can display on any Shopify store and provide you with a summary of your competitors, such as what product they are selling, business performance, and even identify the supplier that sells that product on AliExpress.

Here are five sections of Alihunter that you need to notice:

1. Product List/Product Detail:

a. Product List:

From the AliHunter tab, click on Product. This option provides you with a list of the Best Selling & All Products from your competitors, which may be quite useful in making inventory selections. It can also offer you an idea of which products aren't likely to sell well, taking space and attention away from the ones that should be.

b. Product Detail:
Upon hovering to the product, you'll see the options to View Details or Get Market Research

This option allows you to see not only other competitors who are selling the same item, but also guide you the AliExpress supplier to save you a tons of time if you decide to dropship that products.

2. Order:

With this function, you can check the recently sold products in your competitor’s store, as well as the sales performance will be shown in a visual line graph showing both revenue and sold product statistics.

With the presence of Live Orders, the sales information will be delivered in the most visual way. You will now have a graph running precisely in real-time. This graph illustrates the detailed figures and can even run 24/7, so you can keep the page open on your computer and then analyze it later.

3. Ads Library:

The Ad Library is a place where you can search for ads that are running across Meta Products. We have an article to tell you how awesome this feature is!

4. Overview:

This section will display on every single page of any Shopify store. You can check the basic information of that shop, such as:
Theme: The right Shopify theme can make a good first impression and help attract customers. Knowing which theme your competitors are using can be helpful for deciding on your own. Whatever you choose in terms of branding and look, make sure your theme is easy to navigate, will engage customers, and is well designed.
Social Channels: Display all the social channels of that store, such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. It can help you see how they connect with your customers, increase awareness about their brand, or boost their leads/sales. You might get a lot of ideas from them.
Total Products
App used: For example, you see some excellent functions in the competitor store. How do you know which app that the function belongs to? Just simply click on 'App used'. We can track more than 250+ most popular/well-known apps. You can click on the link, download it, and use it for your store.

You can also export the bestselling products as CSV files by clicking on the 'Export List' button in the top right of the extension.

###5. Market Research:

This section can allow you research the trends, what is going on in the world, what products are getting attention and also, studying your competitors.

Want to know more about this key feature, you can refer this article for the detail instruction: Market Research
If you have any further questions, we are always ready to help via the in-app chat or email at

Updated on: 19/05/2023

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