Articles on: FAQs


1. Can I block AliHunter from my site?

I'm sorry to say that we can't hide it from your store. Our tool can help you track the information of all the Shopify stores, including your own.

2. I’m using AliHunter Shopify app, can I use the AliHunter extension too?

Of course yes. But the AliHunter Shopify app has just been handed over to us recently so the integration between the two is incomplete. If you already paid for a plan on the AliHunter Shopify app, please contact the support team via live chat or email:; you will be applied an appropriate plan on AliHunter Extension.

3. How can I buy this product on your platform?

We are not a store and do not sell products listed on You can always purchase all the products you are interested in on by clicking the link on the page of the product.

4. I don’t see AliHunter bar in this store, what can I do?

The Alihunter extension only tracks information from the Shopify store
It might be the store you’re visiting belongs to another platform.
To check if it’s a Shopify store or not, you can put '/admin' at the end of the URL. For example ...../admin
This link should lead you to the login page of Shopify, like the image below:

5. I already buy a plan for your tools, but my account is still FREE. What should I do?

Normally, our system will take about 5-10 minutes to handle your transactions. After this time, if your plan is still FREE, please contact our Support team via LiveChat or email:, our support team is always ready to help you.

6. How accurate is the data?

Like any other predictive tool, our estimates are based on various sources of data. We're always working to improve how we combine this data to infer sales and revenue. While we cannot guarantee that our data is 100% accurate, our clients have constantly expressed their satisfaction with the correctness of our data.

7. How many days are included in the Sales Tracking report?

When you choose to use the ‘Sales tracking’ function, our system will track the store in THREE DAYS, which means you can have 3 daily reports.

8. Can I stop tracking a store and use that slot for a different store?

As soon as you start tracking a store, you can’t stop or delete that store in the middle of a 3 day cycle.

9. What’s your cancellation policy?

You can cancel your subscription at any time and we will not bill you for future months. Simply contact us. Refunds are not allowed in our Support policy.

10. Are you a subsidiary of AliExpress?

We are a completely independent company from Vietnam. None of the affiliates of Alibaba Group Holding Limited, including AliExpress, are in any way associated with AliHunter.

11. How can I view the invoice?

If you make a payment with AliHunter before March 21 (at that time, we were still using the old payment method - PayPal), you need to login to your Paypal account > Activity > Input our company name 'FIREAPPS JSC':

On the other hand, if you make payments after March 21, 2022; we will send the e-invoice via your email address, it will look like this:

12. How can I get my tax refunded?

The VAT charge is applied to purchase depending on the location of the buyer; if the buyer is from a country where VAT applies, a VAT charge will be applied to the transaction.

Since we're using the Paddle system, please contact them here to issue a VAT refund.

Updated on: 09/05/2022

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